April 8th: How Parental Alienation Affects Judicial Outcomes

This will be an in-depth discussion about how the court views parental alienation based on data and analysis from appellate court cases in the last 10 years and how to identify and recognize misinformation. This is a live interview with two parental alienation experts: Dr. Jennifer Harman, a Professor of Psychology from Colorado State University, and Dr. Demosthenes Lorandos, a Forensic Psychologist and a Trial Lawyer.

The host of this event is Dr. Petra Deeter.This is a collaborative event by Victim To Hero (http://victimtohero.com), Family Access – Fighting For Children’s Rights (https://www.familyaccessfightingforchildrensrights.com), and Fan-Pac (https://www.fanpacnj.org).Please join and ask your questions.Please share #parentalalienation#victimtohero


  1. What happened to the video? I had watched it twice, once live then once after the event, but it is no longer linked here…

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