The Voice Of Alienated Parents

We are told we are living in a “free nation”

But nothing is done about parental alienation

I find in this so-called democracy 

So much injustice and hypocrisy.

It’s not normal to hate and to despise

A loving parent based on manipulation and lies?

Hatred is taught to the child by the abuser

Who does not care that the child is the loser.

Losing a loving parent and half the family

Causes long term depression and anxiety.

The best interest of the child are not served

When only the alienator’s lies are heard.

Alienators manipulated and they lied

All logic and reason gets tossed to the side 

Without facts or evidence and nothing proved

The rights of the loving parent are removed.

How could a loving parent be given no right?

When will this  be brought to the light?

With baseless lies, deceit, and false attacks.

A loving parent’s rights are lost without facts

I could never imagine or ever predict

Children used as pawns in an evil conflict.

Alienators care not what the child goes through

Destroying the other parent is what they must do

Children are taught hatred, to dispise, and fear

A loving parent who gets pushed into dispair

The alienated child won’t even talk on the phone.

Is this really happening or the twilight zone.

The courts and media have turned a blind eye 

To parental alienation, a problem worldwide 

Those not affected have not even a clue

The hell alienated children are going though.

It has become more and more apparent

Family court needs to be more transparent

The system is broken and needs repairs

We’re out of patience; it’s too many years.

We need better laws and need legislation

This cannot continue another generation 

We have no intention of going away.

Until everyone hears what we have to say.

We won’t be silenced; we will find a way

To get our message out and heard today

Change is coming; it won’t be long

Before everyone will be singing our song.

The alienator must no longber be defended.

This nightmare must stop; it will be ended 

I offer this song as an inspiration

To end alienation in this generation.

Facing this issue is long over do

Don’t wait until it happens to you.

This child abuse must not go on

Please pay attention to this song.

Fixing this problem is long over do

Don’t wait until this happens to you.

I once thought this could never be

Until parental alienation happened to me.

Alienation is a worldwide epidemic

One that is universal and systemic

Loving parents are tortured and frustrated

As children are brainwashed and alienated.

After much research for so many years

Parents still alienated and crying out tears?

Alienation is simple and easy to see

When a child discards half of their family.

This nightmare must stop it must be ended

Alienators must no longer be defended.

I offer my song as prayerful inspiration

To end parental alienation in this generation.