Some alienators blatantly violate custody orders. Even when the order grants the targeted parent time with their children, the alienators may refuse to let go of the children, and some may even move and hide the children. Often, targeted parents feel helpless. Many don’t realize that custody interference is a criminal offense. The challenge is to get the law on your side to enforce your rights.
In this peer-to-peer session, a group of parents from a number of states will share their experience of how they get the DA office to enforce the custody orders.

This event will be a zoom session, not a live-streamed event. There will be no recording for replay. You must subscribe to our mailing list and pre-register to join this FREE Zoom call.
Event rules:
- You understand that information discussed in this session is not legal advice.
- You will participate in the session in a respectful manner.
- You agree that you will not take a screenshot(s), take photograph(s), videotape the audio or video, or otherwise record and/or reproduce any information provided in this session.
- You agree to not disclose any information obtained from this session, including the identity of and information relating to those participating in the session and the information provided and/or discussed in the session.
- There will be no spamming or promotion.
I want to register.
Lena, we can see your name in the registration list. The zoom link information will be sent out soon. Thank you.
Please let me know if I am showing up for registration. Thanks!
I am not available to watch this live today. Is there a way for me to view it at another time?
I want attend. Did not realize til now I needed to register. Can I still join?
Can I watch? I have to speak? I would just start crying but I need the info
Can I watch? I have to speak? I would just start crying but I need the info. I don’t see a date I must’ve missed it
I was unable to watch this live. Is there another way to either watch the whole thing or maybe just the highlights? I was very upset that I couldn’t attend last Saturday. Thank you.