Many targeted parents are blocked from having access to their children’s school records, information, and activities. Part of this problem is because of a lack of awareness that leads some school teachers and staff members to inadvertently participate as enablers in the alienation.
To help alleviate this problem, the Prevention and Early Intervention Committee of the Parental Alienation Study Group (PASG) has created a Parental Alienation Information Sheet specifically for school teachers and staff members.
The information sheet highlights what parental alienation is and its consequences on children. It then provides the educators with signs to look for and what actions to take so that they can help in protecting the children.
This is a 2-sided single sheet that anyone can print out and hand out to any school. Please help us distribute this flyer far and wide so we can raise awareness in the school system about parental alienation. We would like to have an idea of where this flyer is distributed, so please let us know in the comment or by contacting us, letting us know which school(s) you have helped distribute this flyer.
You can download the pdf of the flyer here.

Thank you for supporting this information flyer with your live broadcast— to educate schools how to be part of the solution – to recognize and stop the obstruction of healthy family bonds.
Thank you!
Painting and. Distributing at Kellenberg Memorial HS
East Meadow NY
Will share this to many schools in Norway.
Going to print and take to my kids school
I haven’t seen my son for over 2 years, along with my Entire family.
With no findings of facts, his mother is getting away with an abuse that is unprecedented.
Our son of only 7 years old has developed a nervousness and is having counselling.
Still fighting however it should not be the good case.
A supposed civilised United Kingdom and a mythological good human rights record.
All those accountable for my sons absence should face custodial Sentences.
The system must be abolished.