Many alienated parents ask us for recommendations of books on the topic of parental alienation. This here is a shortlist of what we consider to be the must-read list of books. There are, of course, many other books that may be relevant, but the reality is that most parents will not have a lot of time for it. We want to recommend what we, in our personal opinion, consider to provide a good balance of theory and practical advice that alienated parents can apply immediately for their situation.
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Understanding Parental Alienation: Learning to Cope, Helping to Heal

This book was written by psychotherapists Karen Woodall and Nick Woodall. If you have seen our interview of Karen Woodall, you will understand why we recommend this book. With her extensive clinical experience, Karen shows that she truly understands what alienated parents are going through and can provide practical advice.
Co-Parenting With A Toxic Ex: What To Do When Your Ex-Spouse Tries To Turn The Kids Against You
This book was written by Dr. Amy Baker, a developmental scientist, who has devoted decades researching in the field of parental alienation. This book is a very practical guide written specifically for alienated parents. We summarized some of her principles from the book in our blog post here.
Adult Children of Parental Alienation Syndrome: Breaking the Ties That Bind
This is another book by Dr. Amy Baker. Many parents are wondering what is going on in their children’s minds. This book is based on a study of many adult children of parental alienation, giving a window into the experience that your children are going through. The insight revealed in this book can surprise you and can help empower you in ways that you don’t expect. If you have not seen our interview of Dr. Amy Baker, check out a clip from the interview here that highlights one such surprise insight from the book. If you subscribe to our mailing list, you will be notified of when and where the full interview will be posted.
Divorce Poison: How to Protect Your Family from Bad-mouthing and Brainwashing

Many alienated parents are blindsided when they are hit with their children’s rejection. Many do not know about parental alienation and even when they hear about the term, they do not fully understand the extend of the situation that they are in. This book, by Dr. Richard Warshak, can give you a more complete understanding of your situation and at the same time, provide specific guides for you on how to deal with the badmouthing and brainwashing campaign by the alienators.
Parental Alienation – Science and Law

This book is close to a comprehensive encyclopedia on parental alienation. Many experts in the field today are contributing authors of the book and it was edited by Dr. William Bernet and Dr. Demosthenes Lorandos. Our interview of Dr. William Bernet is here. The book is written in an academic tone and may not be suitable for parents who are just looking to understand it in simple layman’s terms. However, if you are looking to quickly get up to speed with up-to-date knowledge in the field, this is the book. If you are planning to take the fight in court, you should fight with science and data, using peer-reviewed publications. This is the book that you will need in your legal fight.