For media inquiries, please email:

Only media inquiries will be considered in this email account. All other emails will be deleted.

To speak at our events: If you represent a social cause organization or a service provider and you would like to be a guest speaker at our event, please fill out this form.

Alienated Parents & Alienated Children
If you are an alienated parent or (adult) child who would like to share your story, publicly or anonymously, please fill out this form.

We need your help in all aspects of what we do. Please help us in our effort to empower alienated parents and children and to bring public awareness to parental alienation. If you can help, please fill out the volunteering portion at the end of this form: please fill out this form.

General Inquiries

For general inquiries, the best way to contact us is through messaging us on our Facebook page:

By mail:
c/o Petra Deeter
Sprrkle LLC
PO Box 50116
Los Angeles CA 90056

By email:
You can also contact us through this Contact Form (although we don’t check this as often):