The alienated parent’s love for their alienated child(ren) is boundless and nothing can take that away. Not a court ruling that removes their parents’ rights. Not years or decades of separation. No amount of false allegations or society shunning. Even at the rejection of our own brainwashed child(ren). Our hearts break but our love is boundless and will never die.
We are working on an art installation to express the boundless love that alienated parents and families have, despite the pain and suffering, for our alienated children. For this, we ask that alienated parents send us by post a number of heart-shaped cut-outs.
We are hoping to collect at least 1000 hearts by March 1st 2021 ASAP for this art installation. Please help to make this happen.
The heart cut-outs:
- Anyone directly or indirectly affected by or advocating against parental alienation can participate;
- Less than 2 inches (or 5 cm) in dimension;
- One heart per child;
- Can be any type of material such as paper, plastic, glass, fabric,…
- Can be any color or decoration on both sides;
- You can also write a message on it. It can be a message to your child, a message to yourself, a message to the world…
- If possible, please write on the heart the country you are sending the heart from;
- No photo on the hearts;
- No personal identifying or contacting information on the hearts;
- The hearts will be hung and can be seen from both sides.
Please mail your heart cutouts here:
Petra Deeter
PO Box 56116
Los Angeles CA 90056

I’m not mailing it out until Monday which is the first. But how can we see the final piece? Also, those hearts in the first picture on the ribbon looks way larger than, 2″. But we should stay within 2″ correct?