The AFCC & NCJFCJ just released a joint statement on parent-child contact problems. A part of the statement acknowledges that parental alienating behaviors can be a cause of parent-child contact problems. With that, they also identified that family-law practitioners need on-going training to recognize factors in the problem, including learning how to identify parental alienating behaviors. Another important part of the statement also addresses the need for the court to recognize that children have rights to express their views in family justice matters involving them but that the children’s views may not be in their best interests.

The AFCC is the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts. The NCJFCJ is the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. These are powerful organizations that consists of judges, lawyers and family law practitioners. As such, this is a very important statement since it acknowledges that parental alienation is a real problem.
You can find the official statement here: